Your brand is only what people think it is

Smarter access to relevant human insight

Track your brand performance metrics within hours.

Brand awareness, usage and image

Your brand exists in people’s minds. In order to manage your brand effectively, it is important to understand your target groups’ perceptions and preferences. Crowst provides you with valuable insight on how well your brand is performing in relation to brand KPI’s and compared to your key competitors.

Understanding how your brands are performing and resonating with your audiences in the market is vital. With Crowst you are equipped to conduct agile brand surveys, helping to measure and track your brands’ position in the market.

  • Track brand awareness & preference
  • Identify drivers and barriers for usage
  • Learn and benchmark against your competitors

THE insights to position your brand

Map the brand perception and associated values to meaningfully develop and optimize your brand resonance in the market. Benchmark your performance against your competitors to gain competitive edge.

Target the right segments, track in real-time

Your results are only as good and actionable as your targeting is. We ensure you hear the voice of those that matter most to you. Reach your strongest brand fans in each country of your interest.

You’re in good company

See how we future proof brands and companies with relevant human insight

“It was so easy for us, and most importantly, the consumer engagement via Crowst didn’t slow down our concept go-to-market process, it only contributed to it.”

Marko Röytiö, Managing Director, Clas Ohlson Finland

“Crowst has shown how the creative concept testing should look like. Agility, speed and insights relevance count.” 

Alo Valtere, Vice President, Brand at Wolt

“On measuring in-store excellence, location is the first factor we are thinking of. Crowst has location built in its core, enabling us to make the right calls at the right time when needed”

Riikka Pellosniemi, Head of Retail Marketing, DNA

“Crowsters, consumers who live throughout Finland and use the Crowst mobile app to respond to studies, delivered us the first 100 responses from Helsinki to Oulu within 24 hours.”

Tomi Kuittinen, Head of Insight & Foresight, HKScan

“Our mission is to provide top quality creative designs to our customers, swiftly when they need it. Crowst has enabled us to test and verify our designs by consumers on a need-basis, when required. We are very happy with our collaboration and will continue to work with Crowst also in the future.”

Jaakko Veijola, Founding Partner, Wörks Agency

“We wanted to get that genuine pulse of thoughts, and we got it with Crowst’s solution designed for smartphones.” 

Jussi Laukkanen, CEO of Saimaa Brewing Co

“Typically, we get 500 responses in around 50 hours from our target customers. This is the speed and quality we need to make the right decisions on our product go-to-market approach”

Sari Iija, Brand Manager, Leader Foods

wolt consumer insights

Wolt unleashes consumer insights around the globe, tuning into the street heartbeat

In the past six years Wolt, a Helsinki-based company from Finland, has redefined how food is ordered and delivered. Ultimately the service is about convenience; use the app to have your lunch delivered to you in the middle of your busy workday, or rest on the sofa and have your tortillas delivered to you while watching… Read article
leader foods insight

Leader Foods savours insights to win in the Finnish snack and sports nutrients market

Nutrition, food, environment and sustainability are areas that are strongly interlinked. They are all hot topical trends, playing a decisive role in our personal well-being, not to speak about the common ecological footprint. According to the K Group, the biggest trading sector operator in Finland and one of the biggest in Northern Europe, people’s everyday… Read article

Beer-tastic insights – Saimaa Brewing Company adopts direct consumer engagement

We all have a taste for chocolate; while some prefer dark chocolate with hazelnuts, some wave the flag for white chocolate. How about beers? Finnish consumption patterns have changed significantly in recent years. Mainstream brands, mostly lagers, have lost market share to craft beers such as IPAs and Pale Ales. Consequently, small breweries who develop… Read article

More research insights in our blog

AI in consumer research

Embracing AI in Consumer Research

In today’s rapidly evolving market landscape, understanding consumer behavior is more critical than ever. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought transformative changes to consumer research, enhancing the speed, accuracy, and depth of insights. This article explores the multifaceted impact of AI on consumer research, from designing questionnaires and analyzing data to generating actionable insights. By balancing AI’s capabilities with human expertise, businesses can achieve a more nuanced and effective approach to understanding consumer behavior.
Ruoka, syöminen ja kuluttajasegmentointi. Crowst

Segmentation on food and eating – Introducing the “Six Finns”

Based on our own extensive fieldwork and dataset collected in Finland, we are introducing the “Six Finns”; key consumer segments based on food and eating habits. These segments are available for targeting in any insight project.

Raising the Bar – Behavioral Segmentation on Insights

At Crowst we believe that a relevant set of targeting attributes is the enabler for the real value driver: the identification and establishment of relevant consumer audiences and segments.

More research insights in our blog

AI in consumer research

Embracing AI in Consumer Research

In today’s rapidly evolving market landscape, understanding consumer behavior is more critical than ever. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought transformative changes to consumer research, enhancing the speed, accuracy, and depth of insights. This article explores the multifaceted impact of AI on consumer research, from designing questionnaires and analyzing data to generating actionable insights. By balancing AI’s capabilities with human expertise, businesses can achieve a more nuanced and effective approach to understanding consumer behavior.
Crowst ja BrandBuddy yhdistävät fyysisen tuotejakelun ja kohdennetut tutkimusprojektit.

Crowst and BrandBuddy couple product distribution with insights

As part of their new product development processes (NPD), companies are very interested in including a genuine consumer perspective in the planning. What is the spontaneous reaction among the key target segments? What is their perception on the product features? A company may be planning to launch a new product to the market, re-positioning an… Read article
Crowst ja Bängeri esittelevät Gen Z Trendipulssi -tutkimusohjelman

Crowst and Bängeri launch a joint insights program – Gen Z Trend Pulse

The program will drill down in understanding how Gen Z folks dedicate and use their time, both on weekdays and on the weekends. Within the framework of weekly living cycles and time, buying is in special focus. What people buy, what are the triggers for impulse buying, what are the desired brands and why.

Take a look inside the mind of the consumer