We believe in the power of people

Our mission is to link companies’ strategic development, operational excellence, customers and their opinions. Relevant human insights result in better products, services and customer experience.

We at Crowst believe in the power of people, advocating their right to get their voice heard. The uniqueness of Crowst is based on the combination of the winning research platform and professional support of insight experts to deliver better quality results, with speed. And above all, our top respondent base with Crowsters in the core enable sourcing top quality insights and data.

The advantages of our modern service platform

Crowst was established in 2015 to set the new standard for speed and agility on how insights are sourced and acted upon. Building on modern technologies, we eliminate clumsy and expensive features typical to outdated insights processes.

The digital Crowst platform is built with mobility and location at its core, re-defining how modern location-based mystery shopping looks like. We have brought the study execution cycle from months or weeks down to days, even hours.

International award winner

In 2019, Crowst won the Nordic Business Angel #1 award at the Slush event (out of 130 companies). Today, we work with locally and internationally stock-listed companies.

Get to know our people

See how we future-proof brands and companies with relevant human insight 

Malmgårdin Panimo tekee tutkimusyhteistyötä Crowstin kanssa, keskittyen craft-oluisiin ja kuluttajatietoon.

Malmgård Brewery trusts in craftsmanship and premium beers

Malmgård Brewery, part of MBH Breweries, is dedicated to cherishing craftmanship and quality ingredients of premium beers. The brewery is located in Loviisa, on the South coast around 90 kilometres from Helsinki. The brewery is operated by the Hartwall family that has greatly contributed to the Finnish beverage culture for over 190 years, during seven… Read article
Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu keskittyy käytettyjen vaatteiden markkinaan, Crowst toteuttaa laadulliset syvähaastattelut

Laurea explores the second-hand clothing market

Laurea University of Applied Sciences operates in Southern Finland, Uusimaa region at six campuses. The University has about 9 900 students enrolled, 660 staff members, and 34 700 alumni in the community network. The programmes cover both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees focusing on Business Management, Social Services, Health Care and Hospitality Management. Laurea has a… Read article
Laurea University of Applied Sciences focuses on second-hand, circular textile market, drilling down in the qualitative in-depth interview insight with Crowst.

HAMK listens to students, equipping them to influence on things that matter

HAMK, Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu), is a learning and research community located in Southern Finland. As outlined by the organization themselves, they are a team of approximately 9 000 people shaping the future of bioeconomy, health, education, business, design, and technology. HAMK has seven campuses, strengthened further with online and international presence…. Read article