Categories for Shopper Insights

Crowst Service
Shopper Insights

Taking the mystery out of mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is an established insight method used by marketing research companies. In this method, trained researchers go undercover and evaluate the experience at stores, points of sale, restaurants, and other locations of interest. However, they are not real customers. This article takes the mystery out of mystery shopping; Shopper insight is the valid method that leads to qualitative, customer-focused understanding.

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Crowst Service
Shopper Insights

Shopper Insights: Uncovering the “Why” Behind “What” Your Customers Buy

As a consumer product brand, you know that understanding your customers is key to driving sales and building brand loyalty. While tracking sales data can give you some insight into what your customers are buying, it doesn’t tell you why they’re making those purchases. That’s where shopper insights come in. Shopper insights provide a deep… Read article

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Crowst Service
Shopper Insights

Pictures Speak a Thousand Words – Also on Study Reporting and Insights

Pictures speak a thousand words – it’s impossible to live a lifetime without hearing this expression. Most likely because it is true; we human beings receive, adopt, and act based on visual information. In our past and as an integral part through our transformation into a modern human race, the ability to see and act… Read article

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Shopper & Mysteryt
Shopper Insights

Attitudes, Motivations and Shopper Insights

Attitudes and Motivations define a customer’s shopping behaviour. How a person feels about a brand, a product or a service is vital for marketers to make the right message, positioning and retail execution to nudge a customer closer to purchase. It is a common refrain among marketing researchers that “what the customers say they do… Read article

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Shopper Insights

Shopper Insights – 5 myths to break

“The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.” (late. Erma L. Bombeck, American humourist). This quote paints a simple picture of what is at the core of shopper insights. It highlights why Brands and Retailers invest a fair… Read article

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Shopper Insights

Modern mystery shopping – Insights as a pulse

Mystery shopping is an insights technique deployed to evaluate retail operations or quality of service provided by a business. Today, the core idea of mystery shopping is to evaluate and track in-store execution and customer experience, comparing the study results against the tactical and strategic objectives of a company. Interestingly, mystery shopping has long history;… Read article

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Shopper Insights

From Babylonian bazaars to high-street shops – it’s all about location and in-store insights

Through ages there has been a buzz where people meet. Bazaars, village main squares, taverns strung out of the walking paths in the middle of nowhere. Consequently, where people have met, items have been exchanged, sold and bought. Over centuries the hottest buzz has happened in specific locations where the ultimate purchasing decisions have been… Read article

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