Categories for Behavioural Insights

Behavioural Insights
Crowst Service

Segmentation on food and eating – Introducing the “Six Finns”

Based on our own extensive fieldwork and dataset collected in Finland, we are introducing the “Six Finns”; key consumer segments based on food and eating habits. These segments are available for targeting in any insight project.

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Behavioural Insights
Crowst Service

Raising the Bar – Behavioral Segmentation on Insights

At Crowst we believe that a relevant set of targeting attributes is the enabler for the real value driver: the identification and establishment of relevant consumer audiences and segments.

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Behavioural Insights
Crowst Service

Consumer insight and pet owners – Where relevant consumer audiences make the difference

At Crowst we believe that a relevant set of targeting attributes is the enabler for the real value driver: the identification and establishment of relevant consumer audiences and segments.

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Behavioural Insights
Crowst Service

Join the free Gen Z webinar – Hear the voice of the youth, powered with insight

In January 2023 we jointly launched with Bängeri a Gen Z focused insight program. In the Spring we executed a nationally targeted study at 750 respondents, focusing on the 15–25-year-old Gen Z people in Finland. The folks that will be the mothers, fathers, partners, consumers, professionals and leaders of tomorrow. Gen Z is commonly acknowledged… Read article

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Behavioural Insights
Crowst Service
Insights & Industry

Crowst and BrandBuddy couple product distribution with insights

As part of their new product development processes (NPD), companies are very interested in including a genuine consumer perspective in the planning. What is the spontaneous reaction among the key target segments? What is their perception on the product features? A company may be planning to launch a new product to the market, re-positioning an… Read article

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Behavioural Insights
Crowst Service

4 Pillars for Better Recruitment on Qualitative Insights Projects

You may not come to think about it before you are running a concrete project. How to find your target consumers to take part in the focus group on cuisine, cooking and food? How to find the right participants to test your app, giving direct feedback on its features and usability? Participants’ demography is only… Read article

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Behavioural Insights

Understanding the youth – Deciphering behaviour requires relevant access

Do you remember that summer rain you experienced in July when you were 16 years old, walking home from that party that changed it all? There have been July summer rains many times after that and usually they feel good. But when you are a teenager, it feels something unique. Simply put; when you are… Read article

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Behavioural Insights

Changing food trends – Cooking, eating and buying at the time of COVID-19

COVID-19, also know as the corona pandemic, has impacted us in various ways in the year 2020. While many implications of the pandemic are negative in nature, there are also certain positive behavioural aspects to consider. Change is constantly challenging the status quo, resulting in new ways of thinking and behaving through adaptation. This article focuses on… Read article

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