The Crowst blog
Crowst palvelu
Tutkimus & Ymmärrys
Embracing AI in Consumer Research
In today’s rapidly evolving market landscape, understanding consumer behavior is more critical than ever. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought transformative changes to consumer research, enhancing the speed, accuracy, and depth of insights. This article explores the multifaceted impact of AI on consumer research, from designing questionnaires and analyzing data to generating actionable insights. By balancing AI’s capabilities with human expertise, businesses can achieve a more nuanced and effective approach to understanding consumer behavior.
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Mielipiteet & Asenteet
Ruoka, syöminen ja segmentointi – Esittelyssä “kuusi suomalaista”
Crowstin laajan tutkimuksen ja Suomessa kerätyn aineiston perusteella esittelemme ”Kuusi suomalaista”; kuluttajasegmentit ruokaan ja ruokailutottumuksiin pohjautuen. Segmentit ovat käytettävissä tutkimusten kohdennuksessa kaikille asiakkaillemme.
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Mielipiteet & Asenteet
Raising the Bar – Behavioral Segmentation on Insights
At Crowst we believe that a relevant set of targeting attributes is the enabler for the real value driver: the identification and establishment of relevant consumer audiences and segments.
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Mielipiteet & Asenteet
Consumer insight and pet owners – Where relevant consumer audiences make the difference
At Crowst we believe that a relevant set of targeting attributes is the enabler for the real value driver: the identification and establishment of relevant consumer audiences and segments.
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Mielipiteet & Asenteet
Join the free Gen Z webinar – Hear the voice of the youth, powered with insight
In January 2023 we jointly launched with Bängeri a Gen Z focused insight program. In the Spring we executed a nationally targeted study at 750 respondents, focusing on the 15–25-year-old Gen Z people in Finland. The folks that will be the mothers, fathers, partners, consumers, professionals and leaders of tomorrow. Gen Z is commonly acknowledged… Read article
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Shopper & Mysteryt
Shopper Insights: Uncovering the ”Why” Behind ”What” Your Customers Buy
As a consumer product brand, you know that understanding your customers is key to driving sales and building brand loyalty. While tracking sales data can give you some insight into what your customers are buying, it doesn’t tell you why they’re making those purchases. That’s where shopper insights come in. Shopper insights provide a deep… Read article
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Tutkimus & Ymmärrys
Crowst ja BrandBuddy yhdistävät tuotejakelun ja tutkimustiedon
Mitä jos voisit tehostaa NPD-prosessejasi ja markkinointiasi tuotejakeluun perustuvan aidon ja suoran tutkimustiedon avulla? Crowst ja BrandBuddy esittelevät palvelun, jossa tuotteita voidaan jakaa etukäteen screenatuille ja valituille kuluttajille, haluttuna aikana ja halutuissa lokaatioissa. Lue lisää miten voit tehostaa toimintaasi tuotteeseesi liittyvän suoran asiakaskokemuksen avulla.
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Tutkimus & Ymmärrys
Crowst ja Bängeri käynnistävät uuden tutkimusohjelman -Gen Z Trendipulssin
Tämä tutkimusohjelma keskittyy ymmärtämään miten Gen Z -porukka käyttää aikaansa arkena ja viikolla. Ajankäyttöön pohjautuvan viitekehyksen päälle tutkimusohjelma kartoittaa ostamisen triggereitä ja brändeihin liittyviä vaikuttimia. Mitä he ostavat, mitkä brändit ovat tavoiteltuja ja miksi.
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Shopper & Mysteryt
Pictures Speak a Thousand Words – Also on Study Reporting and Insights
Pictures speak a thousand words – it’s impossible to live a lifetime without hearing this expression. Most likely because it is true; we human beings receive, adopt, and act based on visual information. In our past and as an integral part through our transformation into a modern human race, the ability to see and act… Read article
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Shopper & Mysteryt
Asiakkaan asenteet, motivaatiot ja Shopper-tutkimus
Asiakkaan ostokäyttäytyminen perustuu asenteisiin ja motivaatioihin. Ymmärrys siitä miten asiakas suhtautuu brändiin, tuotteeseen tai palveluun on elintärkeää markkinoinnin ammattilaisille, jotta he voivat suunnitella merkityksellisen viestin, positioinnin ja myyntistrategian. Näiden kaikkien tavoitteena on ostamisen todennäköisyyden vahvistaminen. Markkinatutkijoiden yleinen lentävä lause on, että ”mitä asiakkaat sanovat tekevänsä ja mitä he todella tekevät, ovat täysin eri asioita”. Tämän… Read article
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Tutkimus & Ymmärrys
Weekly Pulse – On People, Insights and Things That Matter
We have learned to expect the unexpected. Things happen at intense cycles, and this applies to everything: the take-off of new ideas, the phase-out of trends that were hot yesterday, turns on the macro-level, international politics and conditions. Sadly, in the latter context we are living dark times when this post is published. We react… Read article
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Tutkimus & Ymmärrys
4 Pillars for Better Recruitment on Qualitative Insights Projects
You may not come to think about it before you are running a concrete project. How to find your target consumers to take part in the focus group on cuisine, cooking and food? How to find the right participants to test your app, giving direct feedback on its features and usability? Participants’ demography is only… Read article
Lue artikkeliMielipiteet & Asenteet
Understanding the youth – Deciphering behaviour requires relevant access
Do you remember that summer rain you experienced in July when you were 16 years old, walking home from that party that changed it all? There have been July summer rains many times after that and usually they feel good. But when you are a teenager, it feels something unique. Simply put; when you are… Read article
Lue artikkeliTutkimus & Ymmärrys
Consumer Segmentation: From Strategy to Implementation
Most brands today understand that their consumers are not all cut of the same cloth. For years, demographic & socio-economic segmentation has been the way for consumer segmentation. What age segments find your products most appealing, or which income levels value affordability or what kind of household would the product be more relevant to? This… Read article
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Ostajan näkökulmaan liittyvä tieto – 5 romukoppaan joutavaa myyttiä
”Todennäköisyys sille, että leipää ostamaan menevä asiakas tulee kaupasta pelkän leivän kanssa on yhden suhde kolmeen miljardiin.” (Erma L.Bombeck, yhdysvaltalainen humoristi). Tämä siteeraus kuvaa yksinkertaisella tavalla sitä, mistä ostajan näkökulman ymmärtämisessä on kyse. Se paljastaa, miksi yritykset ja jälleenmyyjät kohdentavat suuren osan budjeteistaan ostajan näkökulman ymmärtämiseen eli ostajien ostotottumusten analysointiin. Ostoskäyttäytyminen on paljolti irrationaalista ja… Read article
Lue artikkeliMielipiteet & Asenteet
Changing food trends – Cooking, eating and buying at the time of COVID-19
COVID-19, also know as the corona pandemic, has impacted us in various ways in the year 2020. While many implications of the pandemic are negative in nature, there are also certain positive behavioural aspects to consider. Change is constantly challenging the status quo, resulting in new ways of thinking and behaving through adaptation. This article focuses on… Read article
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Crowst unleashes its insights pulse globally, covering 60M people in 80 countries
Crowst, a Helsinki-based insights company from Finland, started its operations in January 2016. What was kicked off during the coldest weeks of the Nordic snow-enriched winter, transformed into something special in the years that followed. In 2019, Crowst won the #1 prize at the Slush Nordic Business Angel event, selected as the best out of… Read article
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Esittelyssä Crowsterit – suurin supervoimamme
Tämän päivän kuluttajat ovat valveutuneempia kuin koskaan. Kuluttajien ymmärtäminen ja mielipiteiden kuunteleminen on välttämätöntä mille tahansa menestystä tavoittelevalle yritykselle. Kuluttajatiedon kerääminen onkin nykypäivänä helppoa ja markkinoilla on kasapäin työkaluja tiedon keräämiseen. Kun tulokset on saatu, anonyymejä tutkimusraportteja selaillessa on kuitenkin helppo unohtaa, että jokaisen vastauksen takana on oikea, yksilöllinen ihminen. Me Crowstilla uskomme siihen, että… Read article
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Crowst introduces new consumer audiences, from Innovators to Laggards
In 1962, many world-changing events occurred. Marilyn Monroe died, Nelson Mandela got arrested, and the first Bond film, Dr No, was released. In the same year the sociologist Everett Rogers also published his book “Diffusion of Innovations”, introducing a theory that is commonly applied today in the fields of economics, marketing and technology. And for… Read article
Lue artikkeliTutkimus & Ymmärrys
Insider’s view: Urbanization drives new trends and eating habits
In the past three decades Tomi Kuittinen, Head of Insight & Foresight at HKScan Oyj, has witnessed major societal, behavioural and structural changes. These changes cover both the business landscape on food production and consumption, as well as how we as consumers live our lives. Having worked at stock-listed companies and market leaders such as… Read article
Lue artikkeliUutiset
On Slush spotlight: Crowst chosen as the best company of Nordic Angel Program
The excitement, passion and energy that you feel in the air when 25 000 innovative minds from all around the globe gather in Helsinki. The name of the game is the event called Slush, where 3500 startup companies and 2000 investors shake hands. The world’s leading startup event was held last week, and now the… Read article
Lue artikkeliKonsepti ja kampanjatestaus
Modern concept & campaign testing – Powered by mobility for quick decision-making
Companies with consumer targeted offerings are challenged in the market every day. Timely deliveries, operational excellence, quality of service, and the quality of products offered and consumed. Competition never rests. While companies, for example those that operate in the fiercely competed FMCG business, are constantly tested in the market, the creative agencies that are missioned… Read article
Lue artikkeliShopper & Mysteryt
Modern mystery shopping – Insights as a pulse
Mystery shopping is an insights technique deployed to evaluate retail operations or quality of service provided by a business. Today, the core idea of mystery shopping is to evaluate and track in-store execution and customer experience, comparing the study results against the tactical and strategic objectives of a company. Interestingly, mystery shopping has long history;… Read article
Lue artikkeliCrowst palvelu
Crowst 2.0. – The art of audiences
In the end of December we announced our long-awaited holiday present; the brand new service version Crowst 2.0. A version we have worked hard for through the year 2018, also involving real market-testing projects with some of our client companies. We are thrilled that Crowst 2.0. is now available, seeing the strength it brings for intelligent study design, respondent… Read article
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Crowst 2.0. is here – Designed for better and faster insights
At Crowst, we have been working hard on the new version of our service. Now, when we are about to welcome the year 2019 in its full glory, we are ready to bring the new version into daylight! Crowst 2.0. brings plenty of new capabilities including intelligent study design, targeting and activation of respondents, Crowst Dashboard… Read article
Lue artikkeliTutkimus & Ymmärrys
Continuous Tracking vs. Traditional Research
Companies bet on getting as much data as possible about their markets to drive their business decisions. For decades, traditional market research has been an integral partner (or in-house function) for many organizations to achieve this goal. It prides on scientific tools and methods built on reams of data gathered from consumers to justify company… Read article
Lue artikkeliTutkimus & Ymmärrys
The Curse of Research – Sales Perspective
“Multitalented people wanted.” Sometimes you see this written in job announcements, but you typically hear about “skill diversity” and “multi-tasking” in the job interview at the latest. Doesn’t it sound unrealistic to outline an expertise scope of an omnipotent demigod, and then position the recruit in a specific work role? Creative teams, focusing on establishing emotionally… Read article
Lue artikkeliShopper & Mysteryt
From Babylonian bazaars to high-street shops – it’s all about location and in-store insights
Through ages there has been a buzz where people meet. Bazaars, village main squares, taverns strung out of the walking paths in the middle of nowhere. Consequently, where people have met, items have been exchanged, sold and bought. Over centuries the hottest buzz has happened in specific locations where the ultimate purchasing decisions have been… Read article
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