Voice of the people

Fanny, 21, Espoo

Uses the gift cards for

Finnish retail chain stores to buy something nice for herself

A concrete way to influence as part of an active lifestyle

Fanny is an energetic business school student and a part-time coffee shop employee. An active lifestyle requires routines. “I’m pretty ambitious, so my day-to-day life has to have routines. Usually, I go to the gym in the morning and after that I study at home or at the university. In the evening, I work or spend time with my friends.”

Jaakko 35, Helsinki

Uses the gift cards for

Clothes from Zalando and sports equipment from XXL

Jaakko’s family plans their shopping trips based on Crowst tasks

Jaakko’s motto is the old proverb: “A rolling stone gathers no moss”. Jaakko works in real estate and spends his free time at his summer cottage and exercising. In addition to sports, he’s interested in politics and new technologies.

Jaakko started to use Crowst when he saw an ad. “I downloaded the app and checked it time to time. Crowst had a campaign last December, when there was a task for each day of the month. I answered all of them and since then I have opened the app every day.”

Janne, 30, Keuruu

Uses the gift cards for

Shopping at H&M

Mystery shopping and local tasks are Janne’s favourites

A recent Master of Philosophy, Janne spends his days working as a sign language instructor at a school. Janne spends his free time with creative hobbies – singing in a choir, playing trumpet in a band and painting.

Janne saw a Crowst ad in a game app. “I liked the idea of the app. In addition to the visuals of the app, the reward system sounded interesting. I have used many similar services, but Crowst changed my idea about surveys!”.

Kristoffer, 40, Helsinki

Uses the gift cards for

Currently, Kristoffer is collecting points and euros to give to charities or buy experiences

Surveys about current and social topics are favourites

Kristoffer is part of many things – TV, radio, hosting, web design and marketing. During free time, you can find Kristoffer baking cakes or working to better human rights. “Human rights and environmental topics are important to me. I’m part of the Helsinki Pride organisation because equality and accepting people as they are are important to me.”

Kristoffer heard about Crowst from his sister, who recommended downloading the app. “I like surveys I can respond to anywhere and tasks I can do locally. Local tasks are fun when you go to stores and feel like a secret agent.”

Satu, 33, Kuopio

Uses the gift cards for

Grocery shopping

Seeing companies utilising the survey results is rewarding

Satu works for the Finnish postal services and spends her free time outdoors with her pets and boyfriend. This kind of influencing is familiar to Satu. “I have used a similar service before Crowst, but there weren’t as many tasks. I saw an ad on social media and got hooked on Crowst.” Now, after a year, Satu is a top level “Dragon”, which means that she receives 50 percent higher rewards when answering the surveys.

Sirpa, 60, Turku

Uses the gift cards for

To buy cabinets from Ikea

Answering surveys broadens your point of view

“I like to broaden my point of view and that is why I downloaded Crowst. I saw an ad on the bus and after that I have been using Crowst.” Sirpa likes surveys about current topics because she can keep up with the world and find new ways of thinking. Sirpa uses Crowst daily and she has risen to Phoenix-level, which is the second highest level in Crowst. Thus, she receives 25 percent extra for each survey.

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