Clear Channel validates outdoor ad campaigns with 13 000 Crowsters around Finland

In our digitalized world virtual shopping places, online forums, and bit-based hyperspace experiences get tremendous attention in public discussion. Another significant factor is mobility; people are on the move in a scale never seen before. We commute, we travel, we go places to see and experience things. The world has shrunk, and things people could not dream of 100 years ago are the norm today. This highlights the growing importance of location; as physical beings, location and context-specific experience is more important to us than ever. Our needs and willingness to try out new things change based on where we are; at the shopping mall, high street, or at the airport. We live in a digitalized, hyper-connected planet where location matters more than ever.

Clear Channel is one of Finland’s leading Out of Home media owners. The company is dedicated to discovering innovative ways for brands to meet and engage people while they’re out and about. When you are visiting a shopping mall or a hypermarket, driving a car on a highway or about to head to that long-awaited vacation in Bali at the airport, you are very likely to see the ad displays of Clear Channel. The company invests in the best advertising locations, new technologies and design tools to connect brands and consumers; at the right time, at the right place. For the clients, advertisers who pay for campaigns to be run on Clear Channel’s network, the quality of consumer contacts is essential. The quality is measured in money in the form of the ad impact, and ultimately sales figures. The right message at the right time requires the third pivotal component; location, location, location.

Needs of the advertiser

For advertisers, outdoor advertising is a valuable medium from various perspectives. Large, visually striking and animated digital ads are strong in communicating the brand essence of the product or a company. They spread brand awareness, inspire, spark curiosity, and also provide means to communicate differentiation in the market. They are also solid channels to deliver a message or a call to action, not to mention about driving concrete, hard sales for the advertiser. Regardless of what is the core driver for the advertiser, outdoor advertising is a major investment for any company.

“We are committed to offer the best value to our clients, always. Before running any campaigns, we work with the client to fully understand what they want to achieve”, opens Pilvi Rissanen, The Head of Marketing at Clear Channel Finland. “Based on what we learn from the client, we construct the consumer journey, purchase path and consumer experience proposal, matching the client’s needs. The solution proposal may well include a multi-channel approach”, Rissanen continues.

The advertisers represent a very broad range of business fields: fast-moving consumer goods, banking and financial services, artists and festivals; just to name a few. Some of the clients are Finnish companies, some are globally known giants who run campaigns in Finland. There are no identical campaigns or projects; every single one is unique, with unique goals.

Validation calls for 13 000 Crowsters

In early 2019, Clear Channel Finland kicked off collaboration with Crowst to validate ad campaign execution. Understandably, seeing that the carefully designed ad campaign is live at prime locations at prime time is extremely important for the advertiser. It shows the ad in the consumer context in the market and ultimately, provides proof that the ad is out there in public as agreed.

“We want to show our clients that their ad is displayed as it should, in all key locations. For example, in Kamppi Center (Narinkkatori, Helsinki) we have a digital outdoor display of 108m2, in one of the busiest and most locations in the country. It is logical that our client also wishes to have assurance that their message is being delivered, loud and clear”, describes Kari Puska, Account Manager at Clear Channel Finland.

Clear channel displays run ad campaigns at prime locations, including shopping malls.

Crowst has over 13 000 Crowsters, consumers who use the Crowst mobile app and respond to studies and missions, around Finland. They live in over 250 locations across the country, and they can be reached with direct messages to their smartphones. The mobile messages can also be automated and geo-triggered based on locations; if the person walks through an area where there is an open mission, the phone beeps and informs about the mission on the spot.

“With Crowst, we are able to get the pictures we need in hours. From Helsinki to Turku, Tampere and Oulu. We just view the pictures coming in the online Crowst Dashboard, including the location and time metadata.”

“With Crowst, we are able to get the pictures we need in hours. From Helsinki to Turku, Tampere and Oulu. We just view the pictures coming in the online Crowst Dashboard, including the location and time metadata. This signifies a huge cost-saving to us, not to mention the speed advantage in sourcing the pictures we want”, comments Puska.

For companies, eyes on the streets are invaluable. Especially when they belong to consumers; people who live their lives, buy goods and services, and shape their opinions on a daily basis. Functional ad validation and proof of airing provide solid value. Couple this with a genuine consumer view and insights, and you are a major step ahead of competition.